Blower Applications
Safety Surface | Landscape Mulching | Topdressing/Lawn Renovation | Erosion Control
Terraseeding | Mud Control | Bedding | Rock/Aggregate
Terraseeding | Mud Control | Bedding | Rock/Aggregate
Safety Surface

Covering playground areas with one of the three certified safety surfacing materials carried by Ground Effects, FIBAR™, Woodcarpet® or FiberStarr™ is child’s play for the Express Blower™. These areas require special attention and minimal interruption, and we can access areas where use of heavy equipment is prohibitive. Ground Effects can be in and out of your site in a matter of an hour and touch up with a complete layer of safety surface material.
- To watch the video click the “watch the video” button on the left. A new pop up window containing the video clip will appear. Click on the movie to play.
- You must have the latest QuickTime 4 plug-in installed on your brower to view these video clips. If you do not have the plug-in, you can download it here.
Playground Safety Soxx,
Safety Edge