Erosion Control

EcoBerm® | EcoBlanket™ | MicroBlend™ | Terraseeding™ | Filtrexx™

Inaccessible areas, such as steep embankments, can be covered with mulch, compost, or soil mixes for immediate erosion control. Grass seed or special seed mixes can be injected into the material during application using our patented seed injection system, providing for long-term vegetative control. One combined process replaces many, saving time, labor and money.


  • Reduces splash, sheet, and rill erosion.
  • Reduces soil loss and movement.
  • Controls sediment.
  • Improves soil quality over time.
  • Improves plant growth.
  • Reduces weed establishment.

Before… Heavy rains were expected within a day of this picture. Hydroseeding would have simply washed away.

During… Seed injected compost was blown over entire slope area.

After… ten days and after the expected heavy rains the grass grew and held without failure.